Based in Singapore, Potta Planta is a humble boutique shop that caters to plants and decorative needs for homes.
They specialise in hand crafted Potted plants that sustain and support artisans based in South East Asia. They have a simple belief that beautiful plants and pots can not just trasnform spaces, but improve lives and well being.
To begin with, we gave Potta Plantta an identity. The logo was a sleek rendition of the brand's ideologies and products. With breathing breaks within the type yet continuous flow, the identity sit perfectly within the space set up. To add clearer context and give an interesting break to the over all form we introduced an illustrative form of simple and flowy lines.
While the colours borrowed from the earthy look and feel, we aimed for a balance with a desaturated Feldgrau and a Bronzze metallic. To liven certain areas we also introduced a Pale Pink. Together the three pantones made for a perfect blend of sustainability yet modernism.
As the brand was starting out, they wanted their basic collaterals to do some talking. We clubbed an authentic tone pertaining to nature and planting with the developed illustrations for the brand. We further used the font Audrey as the official font for maintaining the tone since it complimented the logo design.
To extend the conversation of the brand we took inspiration from their signature pots and plants forms. Flowy lines and plants in their authentic, natural form became the guiding force of the language and was further used on all
the collaterals.
Checkout Potta Plantta's latest findings here